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Gynecologic Surgery

Medical Services

To learn more about any of the medical services offered at Day Kimball Healthcare, please select from the alphabetical index below. Or, click "show all" to see a comprehensive list of all services.

Working in concert with our integrated Women’s Health services, Day Kimball Healthcare provides comprehensive gynecological surgery within a coordinated, compassionate and woman-centered environment.

Prior to surgery, be sure to review our Important Patient Instructions and Information.

Dilation and Curettage (D and C)
During dilation and curettage, often referred to as a “D and C,” the cervix is dilated to allow the doctor to use special tools to gently scrape the inner lining of the uterus. The procedure, which usually takes only about 15 minutes, is performed to remove problematic tissue in the uterus or to diagnose and treat abnormal uterine bleeding. Dilation and curettage may be performed in your doctor’s office or through our Ambulatory Care Unit at Day Kimball Hospital.
Learn more about dilation and curettage >

Endometrial Ablation
Endometrial ablation is a procedure that destroys the lining of the uterus (called the endometrium) to relieve abnormal uterine bleeding. This may be done by one of several methods, including the use of a laser, heat, electricity, freezing or microwave. Endometrial ablation may be done using local or spinal anesthesia.
Learn more about endometrial ablation >

During a hysteroscopy, the doctor uses a thin, lighted viewing instrument called a hysteroscope to view the lining of the uterus. A hysteroscopy may be performed to help determine the cause of abnormal bleeding or infertility, or to remove growths such as polyps or fibroids. During the procedure, the hysteroscope is inserted into the vagina and through the cervix. The uterus is filled with air or liquid so that the doctor can view the lining clearly. You may be given a sedative or local, regional or general anesthesia for the procedure. 
Learn more about hysteroscopy >

Hysterectomy: Open and Laparoscopic
A hysterectomy is surgery to remove the uterus. This may be done through laparoscopic surgery (in which the surgeon works by placing a tiny camera and surgical instruments through multiple small incisions) or open surgery (in which the surgeon makes one large, open incision in which to work). Hysterectomy is performed under general anesthesia and requires an inpatient stay in the hospital.
Learn more about hysterectomy >

Tubal Ligation / Tubal Banding
Tubal ligation (often referred to as having your "tubes tied") is a surgery to close the fallopian tubes in order to permanently prevent pregnancy. This is most often done laparoscopically, meaning that the surgeon works by placing a tiny camera and surgical instruments through multiple small incisions, rather than working through one large, open incision. During the procedure, the fallopian tubes are either burned shut (cauterized), or they are blocked by “banding” or clamping them off with a small clip or ring. 
Learn more about tubal ligation >

Billing & Payment Information

Please note that billing for surgical procedures will be submitted to your insurance carrier by more than one party; the physician’s practice for surgical services, Day Kimball Hospital for facility services and Sheridan Health Corporation for anesthesiology services (if applicable). Please check with your insurance carrier for details about your specific coverage, copays, deductibles and any prior authorization requirements. If you have questions about your Day Kimball Hospital bill or need help paying for care, please contact our team of financial counselors.

Other Services Integrated with Gynecological Surgery

Women’s Health: OB/GYN
Women’s Health: Maternal Child Health

Related Areas of Interest

Surgical Care: Important Patient Instructions and Information
Surgical Care: Overview
Day Kimball Hospital: Admissions Information
Day Kimball Hospital: Campus Map & Directory
Day Kimball Hospital: Ambulatory Care Unit
Day Kimball Hospital: Financial Counselors
Support Groups (See “Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster” Program )


Gynecologic surgery at Day Kimball Hospital is performed by and scheduled through our Day Kimball Medical Group or other associated OB/GYN offices.

Find an OB/GYN physician > 

Surgical Care
Day Kimball Hospital
320 Pomfret Street
Putnam, CT 06260
(860) 963-6353