Our Corporators are dedicated and visionary members of our Northeast Connecticut community. They share common values and goals and want our community hospital to reflect their priorities. Corporators believe in Day Kimball Healthcare’s vision of community care and are passionate about making the vision reality.
What do corporators do?
Corporators embrace the opportunity to build connections through volunteering time, skills and resources, and they partner with Day Kimball Healthcare by promoting the efforts we make on behalf of our neighbors.
The Role of a Corporator:
- Attend Annual Meetings
- Participate in the election of Board Members and Officers
- Recommend new Corporators for consideration
- Make friends in the community on behalf of and advocate for Day Kimball Healthcare
- Act as an ambassador for Day Kimball Healthcare
- Stay informed about the Day Kimball Healthcare’s programs and plans
- Participate in Day Kimball Healthcare’s activities and fundraising projects
- Work on a Day Kimball Healthcare committee
- Share your time, talent and treasure with Day Kimball Healthcare
- Bring feedback to the Day Kimball Healthcare about where we can improve
- Tell stories about our successes and achievements
Day Kimball Healthcare’s Commitment to its Corporators:
- To keep you informed in a timely fashion about events
- To use your skills and talents in a mutually beneficial manner
- To recognize you as a Corporator in your dealings with the organization
- To provide you with healthcare information that supports your life and interests
- To use our resources to help you be informed on healthcare issues that matter to you and your family
- To let you know what the organization expects from you before you become a Corporator
- To help you build a body of unique knowledge about Day Kimball Healthcare
- To help you feel positive about your relationship with the largest employer and non-profit in Northeast Connecticut
How does one become a corporator?
Any person with an interest in the 13-town area of Northeastern Connecticut who has a sincere interest in issues of health care delivery in that area is eligible for election as a member of the Day Kimball Healthcare Corporators. A person may be nominated for election to the membership by any current member of the Corporation, at any annual or special membership meeting. Upon nomination, the nominee must be elected by a two-thirds vote of all members present at the meeting.
Day Kimball Healthcare Corporators
Atty. Stephen J. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Adiletta Dr. and Mrs. Saul J. Ahola Mr. Paul C. Aldrich Dr. Joseph Alessandro and Dr. Valerie Alessandro Ms. Rochelle A. Alix Dr. Jonathan S. Appelbaum Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Archambault Mrs. Denise Archambault Mr. and Mrs. Marc L. Archambault Dr. Nancy E. Austin and Mr. Donald Fuller Dr. Leonard E. Averill and Ms. Deborah Merl Mrs. Marie A. Baillargeon Ms. Helen E. Ballou Mr. and Mrs. David Bamber Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Baril Mr. and Mrs. E. Arthur Barry, III Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Bates Ms. Diane M. Bates Mr. Marc Bates and Mrs. Victoria Bates Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Baum Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beaudry Mrs. Mary Beaulac Ms. Jackie Bellerive Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Benoit Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Bernier Ms. Blanche B. Bilinski Mr. and Mrs. Brian Blackmar Ms. Judith C. Blackmore Atty. and Mrs. Thomas A. Borner Dr. Joseph J. Botta and Dr. Erica Kesselman Mr. and Mrs. Davis K. Bourque Mr. and Mrs. Hadi Bozorgmanesh Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Braaten Dr. William M. Bradbury and Dr. Patrice M. Marchand Ms. Sara Brandon Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Brennan Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks Mr. and Mrs. George W. Brown Ben Buell and Judy (Burdick) Buell Mrs. Marilyn Burdick Mrs. Jean Burdick Ms. Lynn E. Burdick Mr. and Mrs. John E. Burke, Jr. Dr. Debra A. Burns Mr. Clifford F. Buttermark Dr. William M. Buttner Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Butts Mr. and Mrs. James J. Byrnes, III Mrs. Jo-Ann M. Byrnes Dr. Debra A. Campbell Dr. Lisa T. Canter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Carlone Dr. Marc Cerrone and Atty. Kathleen Cerrone Dr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Charon Drs. Arabinda and Nita Chatterjee Mr. Craig Cheyne and Dr. Mary Cheyne Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Chieffalo Mr. and Mrs. Scott Childs Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Chmura Dr. and Mrs. Biren V. Chokshi Mrs. Barbara Chubbuck Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Church Mr. and Mrs. David W. Coderre Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Coderre Ms. Linda J. Colangelo Mrs. Karen Cole Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Combs Mr. and Mrs. David L. Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Francis Conroy Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Costello Ms. Laura L. Crosetti Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cutler Dr. and Mrs. Garfield W. Danenhower Mrs. Jane R. Danielson Dr. Marguerite Davis and Dr. Glenn Warner Dr. and Mrs. James C. Dean Ms. Jo-Ann Dean Mrs. Monica Dean Ms. Sandra Dean Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Deary Mr. Peter D. Deary and Ms. Kimberly J. Lane Mrs. Kathleen Demers Mr. and Mrs. Michael Denis Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Desaulnier Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Desaulnier Mr. and Mrs. Richard DiBonaventura Dr. Gail Dickinson and Atty. Alan Plofsky Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Disco Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dooley Mr. and Mrs. David A. Dorman Mr. and Mrs. James A. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. David A. Drouin Mrs. Lucille K. Duhamel Ms. Cynthia J. Dunne Atty. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dupont Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Durand Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Ebbitt Ms. Mary P. Egan Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Emilio Mr. and Mrs. Doug Emmerthal Ms. Susan Esons Dr. Raja Fattaleh Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Faucher Mr. and Mrs. R. Hartley Field Mrs. Elizabeth Fillmore Mr. and Mrs. Jerre D. Fillmore Rep. Mawe Flexer Dr. John Foster and Ms. Kathleen Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Fournier Ms. Amy Franklin Mr. Roger C. Franklin Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Franzino Mrs. Helene Freuden Dr. Mary Frisella Mr. Guinxe Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gardner Dr. and Mrs. David B. Gaudreau Mr. Carl W. Gentry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gerardi Mr. and Mrs. Jason Gerum Mr. and Mrs. John D. Getz Mrs. Sarah Ginnetti Mrs. Gloria Glenn Mrs. Mary Ellen Goettel Mr. James L. Gothreau Dr. and Mrs. John N. Graham Mrs. Donna Grant Dr. and Mrs. Scott A. Green Ms. Ruth A. Gregoire Ms. Ann Marie Grossi Ms. Lenore Gudmundson Hon. and Mrs. Anthony Guglielmo Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Haggerty Mr. and Mrs. John K. Haines Mrs. Betty Hale Mr. and Mrs. Laurence N. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Halloran, Jr. Mrs. Lillian B. Harding Mrs. Carol C. Harker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Harney Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Harubin Mrs. Rebecca Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Hedenberg Dr. James M. Heneghan Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Hinchman Mrs. Kathleen T. Hogan Dr. Neri J. Holzer and Dr. Marjorie C. Holzer Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Howe | Atty. and Mrs. George H. Jackson Dr. Joanna Jacunski Mr. and Mrs. Loren Johnson Dr. and Mrs. William R. K. Johnson Mr. Arthur P. Johnston and Mrs. Cynthia Chmielnix-Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Zato Kadambaya Atty. B. Paul Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kaylor Mrs. Alva B. King Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. King Mr. and Mrs. Nelson G. King, Jr. Mrs. Robert C. Kinne Dr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Klare Mr. and Mrs. Hans H. Koehl Mr. Jeffrey Koehl Mr. Warren Knisbaum and Ms. Nancy Ives Dr. Sherry L. Kroll and Mr. Richard Paul Mr. Michael S. Kuszaj and Mrs. Betti M. Kuszaj Ms. Kathleen M. Burdick LaChance Mr. and Mrs. Lucien LaLiberty Mrs. Gertrude M. Lamb Mr. Thomas P. Laskey Mrs. Charlene Leith-Bushey Atty. and Mrs. Douglas C. Leonard Mr. Louis Leveillee Mr. and Mrs. Brian Levesque Atty. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Longo Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Loomis Dr. Andrew MacKenzie and Dr. Elena Poloukhine Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mackenzie Dr. and Mrs. William A. Masopust Dr. Krista E. Matsen and Mr. Robert Paterson Dr. R. David McCallum Mrs. M. Gloria McCulloch Mr. Richard C. McGhee Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. McNally Mr. Shawn McNerney Mr. George J. Meehan Mr. Theodore J. Messier, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. John L. Meyer, II Mr. and Mrs. John P. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mineo Dr. John Modica Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Molina Mr. John E. Mona Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Monahan Dr. Alison Monette and Mr. Christopher Pomposelli Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monette Dr. Majaz Moonis Mr. Richard L. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Rene J. Morin Mr. and Mrs. Keith R. Mosher Dr. Toni T. Moumouris Mr. and Mrs. Michael Myslenski Mr. and Mrs. William Nellis Dr. Leilani Nixon Atty. Stuart R. Norman, Jr. and Atty. Gail Rooke-Norman Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Nugent Mr. and Mrs. John O’Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Osbrey Mrs. Barbara Ozog Mr. and Mrs. Charles Panteleakos Mr. David T. Panteleakos Mrs. Eileen Panteleakos Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Pappas Dr. and Mrs. Sowhey Park Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Parsons Mr. David I. Patenaude Dr. Christopher R. Payette Ms. Margaret M. Payne Dr. and Mrs. Joel Perlmutter Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Pezanko Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Phaneuf Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Pikora Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Porter-Price Dr. Suzanne Powell Ms. Catherine A. Pritchard Mrs. Chloe J. Puffer Dr. and Mrs. Edmond B. Raheb Dr. Steven T. Raheb Mrs. Marilyn Rath Mr. Jeff Rawson Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Reagan Mr. and Mrs. Maurice C. Remillard Mrs. Mae F. Riley Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Romanick Mr. Warren J. Rosenberg Ms. Pamela Rosenlund Dr. and Mrs. Dominick Roto Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Rovero Mrs. Evelyn R. Russell Atty. Christian G. Sarantopoulos and Atty. Rachel L. Sarantopoulos Mr. and Mrs. John Sarantopoulos Mrs. Katherine W. Savage Ms. Sharon Sawyer Dr. and Mrs. Steven D. Schimmel Mr. and Mrs. Irving J. Schoppe Mrs. Donna M. Schroder Mr. and Mrs. Todd M. Seabold Mr. and Mrs. George S. Shaw, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Shaw Mrs. Jean N. Sheldon Mr. and Mrs. David W. Shippee Mr. and Mrs. Jay K. Sinha Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sloat Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Smanik Mrs. Lorraine C. Smith Mr. Michael W. Smith Ms. Mary Ellen Snyder Mr. Richard L. Sorel Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. St. Onge Atty. and Mrs. William H. St. Onge Dr. Gerald B. Sullivan Mr. Paul Sweet Mr. and Mrs. Keith Thurlow Dr. and Mrs. Ross Tomlin Mr. and Mrs. Marshall H. Tourtellotte, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve H. Townsend Mrs. Ellie Tsakonas Mrs. Gladys A. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Tucker Mr. Douglas W. Valentine Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Vallee Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Very Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Voccio Dr. Douglas C. Waite and Dr. Martha B. Waite Mr. and Mrs. Roman R. Wajer, Jr. Mrs. Susan S. Waldron Mr. and Mrs. Martin Walsh Ms. Pamela Watts Mr. and Mrs. James A. Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Welshman Dr. Lee S. Wesler and Ms. Anne Amberg Dr. Steven Wexler Dr. Richard J. Wilcon and Dr. Ellen Salurand Mr. Benjamin D. Williams, III Hon. and Mrs. Donald E. Williams Dr. David M. Wilterdink Mrs. Aileen Witkowski Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Wolanin Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Wreschner Dr. and Mrs. David L. Yeager Mrs. Nancy Zamagni |
May 11, 2018
Shannon Labonte of Danielson Named as Angel Ambassador Honoree in Memoriam
Day Kimball Healthcare’s annual Walk & Race for the NECT Cancer Fund will be held Saturday, August 11, with check-in...
May 10, 2018
Jennifer LeClair, night cook for Day Kimball Hospital’s Nutritional Services department, has been named employee of the month for April by Day Kimball Healthcare (DKH).
LeClair began her career...
May 6, 2018
Congratulations and Thank You: Day Kimball Healthcare's 2018 Nightingale Nurses
Every patient we care for deserves the very best we have to give - every day. The nurses featured here are selected...
May 3, 2018
Day Kimball Healthcare (DKH) recognized its more than 130 adult volunteers, who donated more than 20,000 hours this past year, with an appreciation luncheon on April 13.
The luncheon was held at...
April 12, 2018
Day Kimball Healthcare has welcomed three new members to its volunteer Board of Directors for 2018. Peter Deary of Pomfret, Kathy Rocha of Woodstock and Nancy Weiss of Pomfret were approved as Day...
April 11, 2018
Heather Crouch, phlebotomist for Day Kimball Healthcare’s Laboratory and Blood Draw Services department, has been named employee of the month for March by Day Kimball Healthcare (DKH).
April 11, 2018
More than $10,500 was raised for the Northeast Connecticut Cancer Fund of DKH at Day Kimball Healthcare’s annual “Cruisin’ for Cancer Care” Guest Bartender Night at the Black Dog Bar & Grille on...
March 28, 2018
Matthew Kenney, occupational therapist for Day Kimball Healthcare’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation office in Plainfield, has been named employee of the month for February by Day Kimball...
March 13, 2018
Due to the winter storm and hazardous conditions expected on Tuesday, March 13, 2018:
All Day Kimball Medical Group offices will be closed All outpatient Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation...
March 7, 2018
DKH Dr. Peter Neal, CCAR Recovery Coach Mary Gotlibowski, CCAR Recovery Coach Program Manager Jennifer Chadukiewicz, CCAR Emergency Department Recovery Coach Manager Jay Osborne, CCAR Recovery Coach...